First sight of Africa!
After having sailed all night, I see the African continent in the morning.
Spend a few days in the fishing port of Bizerte before heading to Kelibia with Sailing Yacht Revolution(on board, a real cool family: Crispy, Fifi and Wes).
Another fishing port.
Beni Khiar
Still heading South.
Monastir and area
Well, this is it. Arrived in Monastir on the 15th October, having travelled 1930 nautical Miles(3474km).
Jasrah will be spending all winter here and me some of it only.
Believe it or not but this little chap is an absolute terror. He looks cute but he hisses at people.
A rather touristic place but also quite nice.
El Jem
What have the Romans done for us?
This is the third biggest coliseum in the world!
Fourth holiest city according to Islam.
The medina is simply incredible.